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Um das Spiel unter Vista ausführen zu können, muss man mit Rechtsklick auf die setup.exe und dort "als Administrator ausführen".
Wer den ersten Patch "sterlingsgiftV1.0toV1.0.1patch" bereits installiert hat, muss das Spiel zunächst komplett deinstallieren, dann neu installieren und den neuen Patch einspielen. Der Patch behebt folgende Fehler:
1) In one of the upstairs bedrooms there is a link to a chest. If you click the link to get a closer view of the chest, an error pops-up telling you that the graphics file is not available. If you click on the chest and the error appears, Sterling's Gift will freeze and you will need to restart the game. The close up view of the chest does not exist and is not needed for gameplay, and so the patch removes the option to look closer at the chest. Without installing this patch, the work around is to not click on the chest when you are in the upstairs bedroom.
2) In the same room as the chest mentioned above, there is a book on a table. when you look close at the book and hover the curser, the curser will change to a magnifying glass to zoom in closer. When you click on this a note appears mentioning a possible clue. This note is an embedded comment by the developer that should have been removed. The patch removes the note.
3) One of the puzzles in Sterling's Gift involves looking for a secret compartment in a piece of furniture. After you solve the puzzle, if you wanted to go back to the secret compartment to examine it, you would find that it no longer works. The patch modifies the game so that you can look into the secret compartment even after the puzzle has been solved.
4) In this same piece of furniture, if you found the key but did not use it and instead left the room, you would have to find the key again. The patch keeps the key available so you do not have to find it again.
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