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Mittwoch, 22. Januar 2025


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ZIP-Datei  18 Wheels of Steel - Pedal to the Metal Patch 1.07  Beliebt
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Beschreibung: Dieser Patch behebt folgende Fehler:

- Reduziert Tastatur- und Lenkradempfindlichkeit

- Behebt Fehlermeldung: "The operating system failed to provide the window to render the graphics in".
Dieser Fehler kommt auf Rechnern mit Windows XP Service-Pack 2 oder höher vor, die einen Hyper-Threading Prozessor betreiben.

1.07 Final Patch - BOXED CD/ROM DRIVE ONLY

IMPORTANT PATCH NOTE: This is for the retail boxed/CD-ROM version of the software. The TryGames/Trymedia version is the latest version of the game, it does not need to be patched.

Again, this patch does not apply to TryGames/Trymedia downloaded versions of the game (they are the latest version). **** If you have the Trymedia/TryGames version, you will want to update your video card drivers. Information on how to do that is found at: ****

- fixed game not even starting on computers with P4 & Hyperthreading enabled or dual CPU with WinXP SP2
- AI trafic - braking lights fixed
- steering sensitivity addressed: added a nonlinearity slider
- braking delay removed
- motor brake turned off automatically when you accelerate
- voiceover sounds fixed
- advanced horns position fixed
- empty/full texure fixed in several interiors

- brake pedal for wheel controllers more sensitive
- Gamepad/joystick - steering sensitivity range for the slider in Options/Controls further extended
- keyboard control - increased steering precision, speed-adaptive steering sensitivity
- workaround for bug with black water on ATI cards introduced in 1.03

Fixes a few truck cabin interior textures.

Contains one fix - the job planner in notebook now does not offer jobs for planning that the AI drivers wouldn't be able to deliver.

Resolves the issue introduced in 1_06 where if you purchase a truck and forget to hire a driver, the game will crash.
Version: 1.07
Dateigrösse: 1,75 MB
Downloads: 1580
Autor: WorldRacer
Hinzugefügt am: 05-Okt-2009

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