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Mittwoch, 12. März 2025

Adventure-News   Anuman Interactive SA kündigt Angebote bis zum 28.11.2011 an  
Anuman Interactive SA hat bis zum 28.11.2011 wieder einmal reichlich Sonderangebote für iPhone- und iPad-Spiele im Sortiment:

- Universal Music DJ for iPad (iPad) : $0.99 statt $11.99

- Asian Cooking for Dummies HD (iPad) : $0.99 statt $2.99
- Asian Cooking for Dummies(iPhone) : $0.99 statt $1.99

- Little Boys Leon’s Fire Engine (iPhone) : $0.99 statt $2.99
- Little Boys Leon’s Fire Engine HD (iPad) : $0.99 statt $4.99

- Little Boys Axel's Bulldozer HD (iPad) : $0.99 statt $4.99
- Little Boys Axel's Bulldozer (iPhone) : $0.99 statt $2.99

- Jules Verne's Journey to the center of the moon - Part 1 (iPhone) : $0.99 statt $1.99

- XIII - Lost Identity (iPhone) : $0.99 statt $3.99
- XIII - Lost Identity HD (iPad) : $2.99 statt $5.99

- A Girl in the City - Extended Edition (iPhone) : $0.99 statt $2.99
- A Girl in the City - Extended Edition HD (iPad) : $0.99 statt $4.99

- Alice - Extended Edition (iPhone) : $0.99 statt $2.99
- Alice - Extended Edition HD (iPad) : $0.99 statt $4.99

- A Vampire Romance - Extended Edition (iPhone) :$0.99 statt $2.99
- A Vampire Romance - Extended Edition HD (iPad) : $0.99 statt $4.99

- The Three Musketeers - Extended Edition (iPhone) : $0.99 statt $2.99
- The Three Musketeers - Extended Edition HD (iPad) : $0.99 statt $4.99

- Profiler - Extended Edition (iPhone) : $0.99 statt $2.99
- Profiler - Extended Edition HD (iPad) : $0.99 statt $4.99

- The Time Machine (iPhone) : $0.99 statt $1.99
- The Time Machine HD (iPad) : $0.99 statt $1.99

Quelle: Pressemitteilung

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verfasst von avsn-Nikki am 26. Nov 2011 Druckerfreundliche Ansicht |

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